The Fallow House

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A Liturgy For The Acceptance of Grace

by katie drobina

Acceptance of Grace

I come to You deserving nothing.
For what have I done to merit the most precious gift?
I am the epitome of failure,

I was:
Created to be something,
yet chose perceived knowledge.
Created to be a child,
yet chose juvenile independence.
Created to be nurtured,
yet chose my own demise.
Created to be content,
yet chose constant seeking.
Created to be loved,
yet never felt enough.
Created to worship,
yet chose self-admiration.
Created to surrender,
yet chose to battle.

O God,
You created me knowing I would have the choice,
but how often do I remember that
You also had a choice.
How terrible my own demise would be
without Your grace,

a gift:
given to the most unfit at the most undeserved time.
given with no ultimatums or take backs.
given with overwhelming, overcoming love.
given with pure and perfect mercy.

Therefore, may I come with no perceived notions of worthiness,
humbled before you, my soul naked and vulnerable.
Let me prepare a place for your love and grace to fill the crevices,
which I’ve allowed to become broken and weathered.
Let me make room for you
to hold me,
to shape me,
to nurture me,
to show me all that You are and all that You wish me to be.

For who should love me that He gives?
Gives anything,
let alone His everything.

YOU so loved me.