The Fallow House

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Writing Tip - Ready Yourself

The muted bronze light from my favorite time-wasting app was the only light in my room. My wife deep in her sleep, unfazed by how unsettled I was. This has happened so many times before, mostly because sleep and I have an interesting relationship.

However, this time was different. My heart raced and there was nothing that I could do to stop it.

I tried to read — useless. I tried to listen to music — nothing. After a few more tips and tricks, I just laid there. It was at that moment a string of words flowed together in a way that hadn't happened in many years. So I started writing. I wrote and wrote for about 25 minutes straight. As soon as I ran out of thought, my phone dropped on my face, and I realized that I was waking up.

I don't know about you, but there are times in my life where I try to force inspiration to come. I feel like I have been in that place for a few years. I had started to give up on being able to express myself in the way the I had for so many years.

The thing I loved seemingly lay dormant deep inside my heart and mind.

I had unintentionally done everything I could to keep it suppressed. But in the same way, a volcano is always working, moving, building pressure below the surface, that fire inside of you to do what you know and love; the thing that is so natural, it will erupt whenever it is ready.

It would be a grave error to try and give you a how-to on how to find that inspiration, because it is so different for everyone. The only thing I can say is to be ready.

It may happen in the middle of the night as it frequently does for me. It may be in the middle of a workday, on the road, or in line at your favorite coffee shop. If it does, sit up and write. Don’t let it get away.

Here's what I know; you can't force inspiration. You can only follow it when it presents itself.