And So, We Write

April 28 Blog.png

By Katie Drobina

We take blank pages and ink them
in black
with words.
Only words to some,
for others,

We feel deeply,
tread softly,
piercing the atmosphere
human experiences
human emotions
human reactions

begging to be unlocked from their confinement,
given their rightful reverence-
their opportunity to be held and to be healed.

We hold pens in our hands
respecting the sacred power they offer,
not only to ourselves but
to the future.

We write because we have to.
You see, these words
cannot sit idle
cannot be locked inside
cannot not be shared. Because
they will change the world.

So we take blank pages
and ink them
in black.

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Katie Drobina

Katie is an author, poet, and social worker. A creative from a very young age, motherhood echoed the return of her passion for writing. Through her thoughtfully written words and the penning of her experiences, she hopes that readers feel and connect with the world around them again & are reinvigorated with their own passions.

You can connect with Katie on Instagram and Facebook at @katiedrobina.