building home


by elizabeth hudgens

there is a craving
to build holy spaces

wherein security
is felt in being
whole and seen
known and loved

i have not always
sensed this safety
which whispers of
home a freedom
to be open and
share a heart

of unsure longing
to be drawn in
called back again
to huddle around
glowing embers of
warm acceptance

a haven of hope
soothing fears spilled
over lips dripping
doubt uttered softly
to ears open wide
in stillness attuned

this urge to be
a nurturing force
calming chaotic
energy to contain
emotions by reflecting
His gaze of welcome

a gathering of love
strongly founded on
restorative care as
opportunity to truly be
at home in our bodies
embodied in our home


Elizabeth Hudgens

Elizabeth is wife to Jonathan and mom to 3 amazing teens (just a regular mom, not a cool mom), additionally she loves (in no particular order) food and Jesus and books and friends and getting outside to move her body. As a beloved child of God, a partaker of grace, and a participant in the gospel, her heart longs for the words she writes to match with an embodied practice of faith in order to encourage a deeper love for Jesus in anyone who will pay attention.

You can connect with Elizabeth on Instagram at @elizabethwrites_insideout and on Twitter at @ehudge74.