
By Tina Ferguson

Golden, shiny, forbidden allure.
Fear opened eyes.
Sorrow awakened.
Grief, striving pain.
Tears, sleepless nights.
as onerous weeds.

Grief grown
to plunged deep roots,
derailing peace
within weary beaten souls-
crying out to the One,
Who created this golden shiny
placing this one command
in the center of our world.

They saw,
we see.
We awoke to death.
Human eyes covet the shiny.
Swallow cracks of broken shards.
Breaking us all to death.
Sweet on tongue, hungry mouths greedily biting deep
the candy apple flesh.

Taking, tasting.
Breaking, breaking.
The shrouded roaring lion
sinisterly smiling.
Pouring muddy watered lies
from his bloodied mouth.
Silt sinking deep.

“Did God really say?….”

Replacing trust
with what prisoner’s eyes see.
Destroying belief,
faith, in God’s mystery.
Exchanging holy purity
for the grotesque
and filthy.

Death began with desires of sight.
Shame- covering lies.
Generations’ blood began their cries,
keeping brothers no more.
Rebellion ran,
In search of deceit.
Legacy of humanity’s lore.

“Our will not Thine!”
Unto our own death.
Awakening eternal sleep in pain.
Broken hearts are we all.
Cracking ever wider open
horrors of sorrow.

“Who will save us ?”

From Cain’s tears-
To Paul, who would heed your call?
Mysterious rescue
through, sight, speech, sound.
Your Spirit soul whispers,
miracles abound.
The Ark,
strongman blinded, burning bush,
pillar cloud.
Whispering wind
donkey speaking
to stubbornness out loud.

Saving, changing, loving all.
That fish You did send.
Moving Heaven and earth
to remove veil of sin.
Prophetic wisdom,
warnings of fates.
Every chance given
those who take.

The Baptist to the Son.
Final redemption through the One,
Ancient of days, faithful and true
to renewed awakening.

“Who wants to be saved?”

Sleep .
Sleep, we desire rest.

Pride keeps us locked from God’s best.

Joy, well out of reach.

Love calls soft from the deep.

We lie in pits piled in heaps.
Despairing to hear
the call of the deep.
“ Soft, soft…”
We are heard, we are seen,
in this land of pain and heat.

“Heed, heed!”
Open our eyes.

Love leads
to peace in our mind
as we peak open
our soul weary eyes
to the sweet soft song
singing over our lives.

Our hearts stir.
Leap to flame deep inside.
Hearing, listening,
to His deep love call cries.
Wider and wider
we open soul’s eyes
to the light shining into
dark heart skies.

God on earth
In His palm made earth thick.
Smeared mud in blind eyes.
Healed the sick
Giver of truth.
Replacing the lies.
Doubts changed to proof.
From dark to light.
Silence to hearing.
Chains to freedom.
Lost to believing.
Orphan to receiving .
Renewed children of the King!
Christ’s divine awakening!

We kneel,
we stand.
Shrouds breaking free.
Falling to ground;
swirled tattered heaps.
Lifting up eyes
squinting wide to the light
chasing the dark
Embracing the bright.

Peace and praise.
In this world we are known
No promised ease until we are home.
Yet, awakened! Our souls!
To love of the one.
To the One True King!
Glorious Awakening!


Tina Ferguson

God’s grace has carried me all my life through many seasons. He has place within my heart and soul creativity which I desire to use to glorify him and draw others to his grace and love. I am an artist and poet. You can connect with Tina on Instagram at @tina_ferguson_arts.