Great Sand Dunes National Park—Unofficial World Wonder

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By Peyton Garland

My husband, Josh, and I visited Breckenridge, Colorado for our honeymoon three years ago. Now, as we prepare to move to the Colorado Springs area for his piloting career, we’re forcing our Georgian-drawl selves to visit the state as often as possible—given the wild world of Covid we navigate.

Two weeks ago, we visited Great Sand Dunes National Park. It’s this mini, God-made desert nestled at the bottom of the snow-covered Rockies. A miraculous site, no doubt, to see both barren and fertile lands coexist, to have two extremes share the same postcard.

Such a visual reminds me of Jeremiah 29:14 (ESV): “I will be found by you, declares the Lord... and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.”

Allow me to explain: the desert has a naturally desolate feel, especially when you hike these dunes. The hills quickly turn into mountains as your boots sink feet into the sand, making a near-simple hike feel like an Olympic feat. No vegetation. No water. No footholds. No paved route. The only breath of relief, the only sign of life, comes when you pause long enough to look at the surrounding Rockies.

I believe that perception is key to the Christian faith. This life is not exile-free. We will be driven to empty, lonely, confusing places, and often the only way out is to stop fighting and simply admire the beauty of a God who’s sketching the map to freedom.

Visit Great Sand Dunes National Park if you want to witness an unofficial World Wonder. The open, vast spaces to navigate are endless, and the sand-top view is not only stunning, but safe for families (and pups) of all ages. Pack some water bottles and trail mix, snag $25 for the park fee, and prep yourself to enjoy the unimaginable.

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Peyton Garland

Peyton is an author who uses her OCD, disdain for legalism, and obsession with Jesus rap to showcase just how good God's goodness is. She lives in the Atlanta suburbs with her boo, Josh, and their two furry babes, Alfie and Daisy.

You can connect with Peyton on Facebook and Instagram at @peytonmgarlandauthor