Let There Be…

“Let there be…”

Words that, from the beginning of time, call into existence the truest parts of each of us. 

When the Creator first uttered the words “let there be light,” there was light. The truest nature of God Himself—light—stretched across the sky and filled the universe with a certain and subtle beauty.

As we, created in the perfect image of the Creator, go through our days longing to find and fulfill purpose and meaning, it is no wonder we find a unique joy in creativity. Whether that be through means of ordinary tasks like cooking, cleaning, motherhood, working, and simply being, or artistic avenues like painting, writing, drawing, dancing, or singing, each of us has a gift to offer the world. And each of these gifts is a direct reflection of a deeper, truer part of you.

Unleashing your creativity unleashes the wonder of who you are.

Unleashing your creativity unleashes the wonder of who God is. 

In the coming days and weeks ahead of the October 11th release of Rachel Marie Kang’s book Let There Be Art: The Pleasure and Purpose of Unleashing the Creativity within You, you will be reading pieces from several uniquely creative souls. They find life, and specifically creativity, to be an opportunity to unlock and make known the truest parts of themselves. Each one writes on a theme covered in Rachel’s book. You will find their words inspiring and breathtakingly honest. 

It is Rachel’s heart to call out the creative in each of us—never for perfection—–but rather for expression within brokenness, sickness, sorrow, and imperfection. The beauty of our humanity shines when it seeks to create, not in spite of, but because of our brokenness. The human spirit’s tenacity and strength is put on display when we fight for moments of freedom and connection during dark days and life-altering trials. 

May these stories reflect the beauty and strength of ordinary people like you and me, longing for purpose and finding truth in our unique abilities for creativity. We look forward to sharing these words with you and hope you will join this journey for Let There Be Art.


Sarah Koch

Blog editor at the fallow house

Sarah Koch is a military spouse and mother of two little girls. A writer and creative, she seeks to find beauty and grace in the messy days of motherhood. Sarah writes to encourage mothers and remind us all that life isn’t always easy, but we serve a God who is always good.

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