Listen to the Sound

By Tiffany Najbart

Slow down.
Breathe. Pull excess back.
Lean in, and listen closely.
For under it all
there thrums a steady sound
and a still small voice can still be found:
an unbroken beat--
constant in its calling--
“This, this, this is the way.
Walk, walk, walk in it.”

Step by step,
breath by breath,
may the dance of my life
sing His rhythm loud:
love without bound, love without bound.

Listen, listen, listen to the sound.
Sing, sing, sing His love out loud.

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Tiffany Najbart

Tiffany Najbart is a poet and writer from Saint Louis, Missouri. A lover of the written word from a young age, she enjoys playing with words and using them to explore the complex questions and experiences of life. Tiffany is a Social Media Editor for Indelible Ink Writers and is passionate about the Indelible Ink Writers community and the unique encouragement it provides to journey deeper together through writing.

You can connect with Tiffany on Instagram at @splatteringdroplets