My Cup Overflows

Morning sky soft,
a hug of baby blue.
The sun faithfully lighting up everything

Finches, sparrows
grackles, mockingbirds
hummingbirds, quail—
all filling the air with
like an orchestra warming up their instruments.

Desert doves coo a calming chamomile tea for the ears,
accompanied by roosters
declaring we made it through another night.

Hollyhocks and Morning Glory open like
children raising their arms to stretch and
yawn after a good sleep.

The hum and groan of cars and trucks
traveling the highway—all those poems of God going about
their daily work.

I stop to listen for just a minute.
It’s too much.
Like holding a teacup
to catch a drink from Niagara falls.
I’m overwhelmed by
I’m missing.

WHAT do you “hear” when you stop to listen?

SHEILA DOUGAL lives in the low deserts of Arizona with her husband and sons. Her poetry and essays can be found at Fathom Mag, Clayjar Review, The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood, The Joyful Life Magazine, and other publications. Connect with her at and on Instagram at @sheiladougal.