My Morning View From Home

By Sue Fulmore

There is magic as the golden light creeps above the horizon, setting alight each trunk in the forest behind my house; they glow against the cold of this winter day. The chickadees in their black caps have plumped their feathers like a puffer jacket to keep them warm. They flit from branch to feeder and back again, joy emanating from their tiny bodies. The Common Redpolls with their scarlet bibs are sleepily having breakfast outside my window as I sit and watch from my perch on the inside.

Dark beans are ground into powder, water drips through and fills the cup with my morning brew. The rich aroma fills the air as I cradle the steaming mug of warmth this winter morning. Dust motes dance in the shafts of light streaming in my window. They swirl, rising and falling, alternately visible and then unseen, beauty so easily missed.

The face across the table, a little dark with stubble, is as familiar as my own. Each eye crease and expression comforting in its constancy. I am tethered, safe with this one who weathers the storms with me.

Chunky woolen slippers embrace my feet keeping the cold at bay. I am wrapped in layers to lessen the shock of emerging from my nightly cocoon. Soon I will stretch and move, slowly waking and warming at the beginning of this new day. The gentle whir of the furnace assures me that further warmth is arriving.
I sit in the warmth of my home as I gaze out at a world newly blanketed in a thick layer of snow. The day stretches out before me perfect, full of possibilities, without blemish and beckoning me to come, see, and enjoy. The previous day covered and silenced by grace.


Sue Fulmore

Sue Fulmore is a freelance writer and speaker, seeking to use words to awaken mind and soul to the realities of the present. Like a prospector panning for gold, she uses her pen to uncover beauty and truth hidden just below the surface of our lives. She is the mother of two adult daughters and lives in sunny Alberta, Canada with her retired husband, plant babies, and robust shoe collection.

You can connect with Sue on Instagram at @suefulmore.