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by joy antonio

Rhythm is that synergy
The energy that connects you and me
The things of this earth to the things unseen
From the push of rolling waves
Bringing the high tides and emotions
To the pull of the undertow
To visit the depths once more
Rhythm is movement
Outside of the lines
Swaying hearts and changing lives
Building bridges where there once was division

There’s rhythm in letting go
In trusting the greater picture
And moving in your own flow
The people in our lives
Who bring a certain kind of harmony
Just by their unique wiring
There’s a rhythm behind the changing seasons
And the space between
That’s knitting together a deeper unity
Despite any rhyme or reason
The frequency of a heart beat
The rise and fall of a chest
Exhaling fear, inhaling faith
Breathing in the fullness of this human experience

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Joy Antonio

Joy has always felt things on a deeper level and loves to share this through her writing. What used to feel like a curse to feel so deeply, has turned out to be a gift to share with the world.

You can connect with Joy on Instagram at @alignedinmyself.