snap snap snap

this desert run
the days are fire
the nights icy fear
sometimes rocks gush water
rest stops right when I need them
but truth be told not often enough

hand in my pocket
fidgeting with secret me in there
making sure it hasn’t fallen out
Snapping it in between my fingers like a contour clip
it’s still in there, I tell myself
snap snap snap

not all secrets are bad
sometimes they are blood-pumping pulses
that must be protected
like a chess queen

I’ve been running a long time with my hand in my pocket
from safe place to safe place, those rock geysers
I just need to find home
I can make it home
where is home?

I am a little courage like an ice cube melting on hot asphalt
enough time and heat, I’ll take up more space

I am a seedling of strength like my fragile hydrangea in the window
pressing up against sunny glass
not yet ready for Kentucky clay, maybe never

I am a weed growing up through the crack in the sidewalk
chlorophyll rebel on a mission
even if only to grow like a carnival sideshow freak

I am a mystery
I should not be here, standing up again, swinging mitts
hopelessly hopeful

I have reckless perseverance in abundance

someway somehow
floating stinging butterflies bees

snap snap snap


ALISON SIMPSON is author of Delusions of Grandeur, Dieting by Design, and co-author of Amazing Adventures, Creative Connections and Daring Deeds. She is an accomplished writer of youth and children’s curriculum, Bible studies, and devotional materials for all ages. She holds a degree in journalism from Asbury College (now Asbury University) in Wilmore, Kentucky. Connect with her on Instagram @missdamselfly and at