Taste and See

Some days look like this:
messy, broken, sickness.
But then the sun comes out
after the rain
to remind us
that beautiful things
are always on the verge of happening,
and lovely things
will always go on blooming—anyway,
and to not let suffering sideline you,
and to celebrate
every little win you can,
like putting your toes
in the deep end
or saying yes
to that second piece
of chocolate cake—
and just loving your people
and bearing witness
to it all,
and declaring,
“Despite the tragedies,

What makes you taste and see AWE despite tragedy?

KIMBERLY PHINNEY is an English professor, counselor, and writer. She’s been published in Ekstasis, Fathom, Truly Co, Radix, The Dewdrop, and more. A doctoral candidate in community care and counseling, she holds an M.Ed. in English and studied at Goddard’s MFA program. She was featured on Good Morning America for a national award and teaching through critical illness. Visit her literary community at www.TheWayBack2Ourserlves.com and on Instagram @thewayback2ourselves.