The Book(s) That Changed My Life - In My Father's Vineyard by Wayne Jacobsen

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by crystal steimling

My invitation to this vineyard came by happenstance. I cannot recall how, or even when I acquired this book. Long ago, as a young wife, a new mother, and a faithful friend, reading this book was like cultivating a deep, lasting work in my heart. Every row and every season offered something vital and new.

With springtime, came a season of promise, where life-giving nourishment flowed and everything was clean and new.

Summer was a time to face the heat, to persevere, to mature, and to grow roots that go deep.

Autumn celebrated the fruitfulness of harvest.

It was in the winter, where the glory faded, and the pruning and being tied to the wire provided a much-needed resting and reshaping for another season of growth to come.

Each season had place and purpose. More than words on a page, the profound parallels between the lessons of the vineyard, and living a fruitful life of fulfillment and promise left me inspired, encouraged, equipped with proper perspective, AND most of all…CHANGED.

“Without the changing seasons, vineyards would never bear fruit. Likewise, our spiritual and personal growth demands an ever-changing climate, seasons when God’s work is tailer-made to our personal circumstances. Seasons designed by the Father as he nourishes our lives toward fruitfulness. Seasons that bring a healthy balance of joy and challenge, of diligent effort and renewing rest.” – W. Jacobsen

A book this rich isn’t meant to be hidden on a shelf. It is meant to be opened, and read, and shared over and over again.

It has been through small group teachings and one-on-one mentoring, that I have extended many invitations to this incredible book over the years. I myself have taken the journey back through its pages many times over, because…. the fruit of the spirit in our lives isn’t just for a moment, it’s for a lifetime.

The master Gardener says, “I am the vine, you are the branches…I have called you friends.” - John 15:5, 15. The vineyard beckons…. COME and be CHANGED.

All for different reasons, these books also made the list of “books that changed my life.”

Mosaic by Amy Grant
The Bible
The Law of Happiness by Henry Cloud
The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp
The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp

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Crystal Steimling

Crystal is a lover of all things faith, family, and community. She wear many hats—a daughter, sister, wife, mama, nana, friend, healthcare professional, writer, and mentor. Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary is one of her favorite challenges.