This Life of a Trillion Tries

Our trials and triumphs testify to a life filled with a trillion tries.
Whether trial or triumph we have an abundance of tries that have taught us. 
We've been "taken to school" with what we've learned.
Teachers good and bad have schooled us. 
Some lessons came easy, others were painfully hard, and sometimes tutoring and extra assignments were necessary for growth.

Oh, this life of a trillion tries. 

Our trials have been tiring but the tools we've collected along the way have become unexpected treasures. A trove of tools in the name of a supportive community, concrete faith, failure, success, and wisdom lining our waists, filling our backpacks, cushioning our hearts, and crowning our heads.  

Prepared “ish” for the roads ahead, our life of a trillion tries equips us for the twists, turns, roadblocks, and detours we'll face. As we continue to traverse the path set before us, we don't go at it alone. A light from above illuminates our way and fellow travelers line the streets offering sustenance…tools we've never picked up before…turning trials into triumphs.  

Oh, this life of a trillion tries.
May our trillion tries lead to a trillion triumphs.

What have your “trillion tries” taught you?
Tell us in the comments.

RACHAEL WADE is a seminary student, writer, and teacher who is passionate about encouraging & equipping men & women with the word of God. She believes in the power of the "in process" story. For this reason she created Olive Us, a ministry where women recount to remember the goodness & faithfulness of God. Connect with her on and on Instagram at @rachwade.