To Seek the Place of Resurrection

Is it the place where each
Of my storied selves,
Past and present
Sing as one, joining
In a pure chorus
Of heaven-aching delight?

Or is it in the slow rising
Of my daily bread,
How its becoming more
Than itself reveals
Unleavened secrets
I haven’t yet guessed?

Perhaps it is in the lark’s
Ascending cry, never
Resolved yet soaring,
Piercing the heavens
Until the darkest clouds
Part with praise.

Show me the place
Where the mist is made,
The still yet dancing point
Where eternity kisses time,
Making a holy sacrament
Of the ephemeral
And I will show you the place
Of my resurrection.

Where are you seeing resurrection
within yourself and in your life?

KATELYN J. DIXON is a writer and photographer from Auburn, WA. She loves late afternoon light, jumping into large bodies of water, and breathing deeply in the woods. Katelyn writes regularly on The Behold Blog, through which she explores what it means to live a beholding life—one of slowness, simplicity, and deep seeing. Connect with her at and @katelynjdixon