A Fortress of Stone

by abigail heinrichs

Falling apart
Who wants falling apart?

She spent her life
building a castle
a fortress of stone
to keep herself safe

She planned to make her fortress beautiful, with crystals and jewels to embellish the stone.
She had them stored
just waiting for the day.
She kept them close
so she could see the way they were
beautiful things surrounded her inside her fortress of stone
surrounding herself with jewels and crystals
She almost forgot about her plan for them
but instead of forgetting, she followed through and embellished her fortress of stone.

She found that without her crystals and jewels surrounding her she couldn’t see their beauty
She found that her fortress wasn’t strong enough to carry both jewels and stone
And--jewels and stone--her castle fell.


Abigail Heinrichs

Abi is a young poet of only sixteen, and the youngest of four. She has a great love and passion for writing, and the art of poetry, specifically. As well as trying to finish high school, Abi is focusing on her passions. She loves singing and being outdoors.

You can connect with Abi on Instagram at @ab.heinrichs