Call me an artist

by Nosipho Baloyi

Call me an artist
Call me a dreamer
or call me a mover if you want to
but know this:
I follow rhythms only my head and heart can feel
and only then can I bring to life what is true to me

A plethora of unending emotions
Incomprehensible at times...
Even so, I know what the rhythms are in me
and that alone is enough for me to understand:
I move with the tides


Nosipho Baloyi

Nosipho is currently a student at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. She loves to work with everything that ignites the creativity within. Right now she’s just trying to figure things out while doing what she loves, with the hope that she sparks something in you.

You can connect with Nosipho on Instagram at @lastcherub_ and Pinterest as LastCherubScripts