The Pull of Greatness
we gravitate naturally
in the direction of wonder
drawn by the massive
cliff rising jagged
attracted to ingenuity
brilliantly conquering
inclined toward intellect
joined with power
moved as generosity
spans ruptures widening
our hearts are quickened
being made to feel small
we long for a greatness
that sets us apart
but what of the tiny wonders
waiting still to be discovered
requiring a squinting to see
the sharp relief of persistence
a bended knee to recognize
the brilliance of intricate design
a willingness to hold back
against the momentum driving
we are formed out of smallness
a resolute determination to do
what is often so easy to miss
this steady stream of caring
small needful things done
bearing modest marks
of love that never dies
What pulls you to greatness?
ELIZABETH HUDGENS lives in Columbia, SC with her husband and 3 mostly grown up children. She has been writing for several years with the aim of encouraging her friends and family to see the redemptive beauty of Jesus all around them, and has a new found love for attempting to do so through poetry. She longs to live an intentional, embodied life as a partaker of grace and a participant in the gospel. Connect with Elizabeth on and on Instagram at @elizabethwrites_insideout.